To encourage healthy and lively discussion on AscendRSPS we ask that each and every user read and abide by the forum Code of Conduct. Use of our forum constitutes acceptance and agreement with the Code of Conduct. Please note that these rules can change over time at any given moment. The administration reserve the right to terminate any and all accounts belonging to you if you are deemed in violation of any of the rules mentioned in this Code of Conduct or the User Agreement without prior notice. Our failure to enforce the rules shall not be construed as a waiver of our right to do so at any time.
Core Values
The following core values are what we deem to be the principle guidelines here at AscendRSPS. Generally speaking, as long as the following rules are met you should never find yourself in a position of misdeed:
Ensure a friendly atmosphere to our visitors and forum members
Ensure the privacy of our members and that of others
Comply with existing laws
Encourage responsible use of our forums and discourage activities which disrupt our community and reduce the value of our services to our visitors
Encourage the freedom of expression and exchange of information in a mature and responsible manner
Violations of the Code of Conduct
The following is not an extensive list of the rules and guidelines that must be followed when participating on AscendRSPS. The administration and moderation team reserve the right to serve judgement on members of the community that do not contribute to the overall health of the forum or its resources without notice and at their discretion.
1. System Security
Accessing, or attempting to access, the accounts of other users
Exploiting, or attempting to exploit, bugs, vulnerabilities, or loopholes; whether they are disclosed or undisclosed
Penetrating, or attempting to penetrate, security measures of AscendRSPS's software, hardware, or any other device used in the management or operations of the overall system
Any intrusion will subject your forum account to immediate termination, regardless of whether or not the intrusion results in the detriment of the integrity, availability, or confidentiality of data
1.1 Abuse of a AscendRSPS system(s)
Any abuse of a AscendRSPS system may result in a ban, or denied access to extra features.
2. Harassment and Profanities
You may not post content that contains material relating to the following: racism, hatred, violent language, threats, real-life threats, insults, extreme vulgar language, flaming, otherwise inappropriate or hurtful language, or harassment. Moreover, you may not post material that would bypass the software-based censor in order to achieve posting the material stated above either. In addition to words included in the censor list, sexual remarks may be considered profane when used in certain contexts, and as such we suggest avoiding them altogether.
We have zero tolerance for personal attacks whether public or private on any individual or group ("personal attack" will be determined on a case by case basis by management). You may not use any method of delivery for materials which refer to ethnic/national origin, ideological or religious beliefs, gender, or sexual preference in a derogatory, demeaning or provocative context.
2.1 Forgery and Impersonation
Attempting to impersonate any person, including staff, using forged headers, instant messenger names, similar usernames in an effort to deceive or mislead is prohibited.
3. Pornography/sexually Offensive Materials
You may not post or link to pornographic material or any content which would normally be considered sexually offensive, including child pornography, nudity, gore, or obscure/inappropriate content. Brief child nudity is prohibited(Ex. 15 year old girl in bikini set).
Furthermore, erotica (sexually charged literature) is not permitted. The punishment for this is severe. This includes linking to websites that may redirect, contain, or lead to these types of links or images, as well as images that are disturbing. It also adheres to websites that may hijack ones browser, as well as phishing. Infractions or bans will be laid immediately if you are caught participating in this offense.
Note: This also applies to your signature, avatar & profile picture along with requesting such content.
4. Spamming
We do not want spam on AscendRSPS. There are certain sections of the forum designated for "off topic" and "general" posting posts containing those sorts of topics need to go there. That being said, spam includes, but is not limited to the following:
Excessive off-topic threads or posts
Posting nonsensical messages
"Flooding" the forum with similar meaning messages
Post-Count farming
Unsolicited advertising via private message or email
Messages without content relevant to this website's mission.
Repeated posting with constant referrals to other website(s) with no purpose other than the promotion of that website.
Fraudulent activity (Pyramid schemes, chain letters, etc.)
Posting any of the above will result in your post being deleted and your account being infracted or worse suspended.
4.1 Trolling
This includes but is not limited to the following:
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads such as picking fights or insulting other members
Making non-constructive posts for the purpose of causing unrest
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Labeling a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements
Replying to a thread simply to call the author a troll (regardless of whether the post is actually trolling)
4.2 Advertising
Any sort of advertisement on AscendRSPS that is not affiliated with AscendRSPS in any way will be considered spam and removed from the boards.
If you do happen to see advertising, you are to report it to a member of staff immediately and it will be removed. Advertising is not permitted by any means, anywhere on the forum.
This includes signatures, profiles, graphics (or requests), private messages, usertitles, and such customizable spaces.
There are exceptions for major websites such as google, youtube, yahoo etc. Note: Search engine links containing search results that lead to forums aren't allowed of course If you post an image that displays a link to a forbidden website, it is punishable. Referral website(s) are also not allowed anywhere on the forum.
Please understand that linking to a website which contains a forum link is STILL considered advertising, and is punishable. The above becomes void if Affiliate status or advertising rights are purchased.(Spam rule still applies)
4.3 Flaming/Censor Evasion
This rule includes but is not limited to:
Using offensive words(Ie. Dumbfuck, **** idiot, etc) directed directly at a member of AscendRSPS.
Using ASCII character codes or bbcode to evade the censor we have in place will result in an infraction.
4.4 Grave digging
Grave digging consists of reviving a previously resolved, settled, or "dead" thread after a prolonged period of time. Threads with an activity gap of 2 months or greater(Length may vary in different sections) that are brought back to the front page is considered "grave digging". A shorter duration may be considered when dealing with situations like previously resolved threads being reposted on simply for the purpose of bumping it to the front page.
4.5 Discussion of Ranks
You are not permitted to make requests on peoples ranks. Suggestions of ranks relating to a specific users or a user is strictly prohibited. The administrators will notice you if you are doing a good job, and they will choose who will be assigned the moderator or other roles. You also may not publicly request for a user to be banned. If you so wish for this please feel free to privately contact a member of staff. Your request will be heavily reviewed and discussed before action is taken. All reasons must be valid, and make sense according to these rules.
5. Signatures & Profiles
Signatures and profile information are must comply with all other forum rules, which include no explicit or sexual content, no advertising without paid affiliation and no user impersonation.
5.1 Account Distribution
Using alternative accounts to abuse a AscendRSPS system or to violate said rules will result in your primary account to be suspended. Buying, Selling or Trading AscendRSPS accounts is prohibited, and will result in the account to be permanently suspended and may result in your other accounts to be suspended.
6. Piracy, Copyright Material, Cracks and Product Keys
"Copyright Material" is any material protected by legally recognized copyright
"Piracy" is the unauthorized copying of software or any material subject to copyright
"Cracks" are programs that disable copy-protection technology
A "Key" is a combination of numbers and/or letters required for software installation.
You may not request, distribute, link to or enable any activities which involve the procurement or distribution of pirated software, product cracks or keys or the supply, exchange or distribution of any copyright material including TV recordings. Doing so may result in the termination of your account without notice. In addition, the following violations are grounds for moderator action to your post and/or account:
Seeking help to create or find cracks.
Seeking missing files that are supplied with copyrighted installation CD(s)
Admitting to being involved in the distribution of copyrighted software/media, cracks and product keys.
Requesting or discussing the trade, sale, exchange or supply of any copyrighted material including (but not limited) to TV recordings, DVDs, movies, music, software etc.
Identifying torrents sources or websites where copyright material may be obtained.
Provide or request login details for restricted websites.
Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis at the discretion of our management.
7. Illegal Use
You may not use our forums for illegal purposes, or in support of illegal activities, as determined by local and international laws. Such activities will result in an immediate ban. We will cooperate with legal authorities and/or injured third parties in the investigation of any suspected crime or civil wrongdoing.
7.1 Malicious Conduct
Malicious conduct may lead to severe account action. The malicious conduct can vary from denial of service attacks, group/mass spamming, registering an account with intent to cause trouble, and malicious software. This also includes providing software to engage in such acts.
8. Non-Disclosure Agreements
We will delete posts containing materials in breach of an active Non-Disclosure Agreement. We reserve the right to cooperate with any company who is conducting an investigation into a breach of a current and enforceable NDA.
9. Privacy
You may not post any form of real life information of any user (except yourself) unless the user has first given permission by express written consent to the forum administrator. Examples of real life information include name, address, and phone numbers.
You may not distribute any form of electronic information, email address, private/email Messages, IP addresses, and Instant Messenger messages ("Chatlogs") with intent to harass or be demeaning in any way as determined by a forum management, regardless of consent.
You may not disclose a user's unpublished email address unless the user has first given permission by express written consent to the forum administrator.
If personal information has been publicly released by the user in question then the above rules do not apply.
10. Moderation & Bans
You may not evade a ban. Doing so will drastically lengthen your ban. If you have a problem with a ban or feel it was inappropriate, please create an appeal. The creation of an account to post an appeal in the appeals section is permitted, however the use of any other forum other than appeals is considered evasion.
You may not discuss or complain in open forum about another user's ban, the deletion of a message, or the deletion/closure of a thread. If you feel an action from a staff member was unjustified please report them in the report staff forum.
Do not back seat moderate. Send a message to a moderator with the thread or post in question or use the 'report' button at the bottom of the post. Do not take matters into your own hands
11. Account security
While it is of the utmost importance to us to keep your account information safe and secure, we cannot 100% guarantee perfect security. In order to maintain good account security, we recommend that you perform regular anti-virus scans on your own computers and regular password changes. Also, please avoid using the same login information that you use elsewhere on the internet as credentials for AscendRSPS.
12. Scamming
You may not scam another member of this community under any circumstances. The trades, services and other exchanges initiated on AscendRSPS must be completed as promised. Failure to abide this rule will lead to a permanent termination of your account. Please note that we do not take responsibility and are not liable to take action and will not hand out any kinds of refunds. In rare cases where a scamming attempt is blatant, we may intervene. Any other circumstances are the responsibility of the buyer and the seller.