Forum > Voting
Voting Section Rules [Updated: 10/11/2016]
The Savage:
The Voting Sub-forum
Welcome, this short post will guide you on how to conduct yourself whilst posting within this section, and will inform you of any rules/guidelines when posting in this section.
Please note: These rules/guidelines are subject to change at any time. If and when they are changed, the title of this thread will be changed to contain the date of the latest update. It is up to you from there to check regularly for any changes.
The following guidelines are to be followed at all times on this board:
You may not post topics pertaining to other members.
You may not post a poll asking if a member likes something.
You may not post a poll asking if you should release something.
You may not post any obscene polls.
Please do not reply to a thread stating one of the options. If you want to reply, give an explanation and contribute to the discussion.
Threads MUST include a poll, as this is the voting section.
Along with these rules, all global forum rules apply as well.
The voting sub-forum is designed to get demographic information from users.
Ignoring these guidelines and creating any thread violating these rules within the sub-forum may result in an infraction and your thread being closed or moved to an appropriate section.
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