
The Savage says: welcome all new players to this new rsps we hope you will enjoy your stay!

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Accounts / Welcome to MaxxxxScape Andreashvx!
« Last post by Guest on October 27, 2019, 07:51:15 pm »
Please stay active, and enjoy our server and forums and stay active and follow the rules, and donate for special access to in-game items and much much more Andreashvx!
Accounts / Welcome to MaxxxxScape Saintetienne!
« Last post by Guest on June 08, 2019, 12:38:13 pm »
Please stay active, and enjoy our server and forums and stay active and follow the rules, and donate for special access to in-game items and much much more Saintetienne!
Accounts / Welcome to MaxxxxScape battedsoul3!
« Last post by Guest on April 08, 2017, 09:00:45 pm »
Please stay active, and enjoy our server and forums and stay active and follow the rules, and donate for special access to in-game items and much much more battedsoul3!
Accounts / Welcome to MaxxxxScape frightpro!
« Last post by Guest on February 12, 2017, 02:00:44 pm »
Please stay active, and enjoy our server and forums and stay active and follow the rules, and donate for special access to in-game items and much much more frightpro!
RuneScape Underground / Hi!
« Last post by The Savage on January 19, 2017, 08:53:57 am »
Hi my name is The Savage and I am a 15 year veteran on Runescape, I have had several accounts and still do ranging from level 5-138 but only one is level 138 and it has all 99's besides invention, it took me years and a lot of pointless hours of my life. I have missed a lot of things in my life because of Runescape, but who can blame me. Runescape is a wonderful, fabulous game. And I don't see myself ever quitting, even if they shut down i'll still be doing things that involve Runescape and that is RSPS. You can add me at my OSRS New Account: Mr Zephy. I been working on it for about a month now. And it's doing great! lol. Well that is about all I can think of for now, I'll add more stuff when I can think of it lmao.
RuneScape Underground / Rules!
« Last post by The Savage on January 19, 2017, 08:42:28 am »
Please be kind and polite in this section and follow the original rules and guidelines. If you don't know what the Rules and Guidelines are for posting Go to this Link:, and only post about runescape in general in this topic. Nothing more and nothing less thank you. You can post any Topic that involves Runescape RS3 Or Old School RS it doesn't matter.

Thank you,

The MaxxxxScape Team.
Application Development / Staff Application Format & Guidelines
« Last post by The Savage on January 19, 2017, 02:31:16 am »
Owners accept/decline applications when they believe we are in need of more staff members.
 If you go inactive on the forums, which will be checked regularly, your application will be moved to denied. Staff members are expected to be involved in both aspects of the community, that being the forums and the server.
Currently Seeking:
• ALL!
Requirements for Server Support:
• Must have at least 1-4 weeks of playtime before applying for a position.
• Must have been registered on forums for at least 1-4 weeks.
• Must have a minimum of 30 posts on the forum.
• Must be active in-game and on the forums.
• Speak/type fluent English.
• Must be fairly known throughout the community.
• Must be familiar with the rules of the server.
• No active warnings or infractions on forum.
• No active or past bans/jails/mutes in-game.
Requirements for Forum Moderator:
• Must have been registered for at least 1-4 weeks.
• Must be active on the forums.
• Speak/type fluent English.
• Must be fairly known throughout the community.
• Must be familiar with the rules of the server.
• No active warnings or infractions on the forum.
• Minimum of 200 post count.
Important Notes:
• You must use the template provided for your application to even be considered.
• Do not contact the staff about your application if it was denied.
• Do not constantly ask admins or owners to review your application. Doing so will result in a denied application.
• If your application was denied, you must wait at least 2 weeks before posting a new one if still eligible. .
• Troll-like applications will result in an immediate infraction.
• When replying to an application please provide a reason supporting your decision.
• No flame/hate/rude responses to applications. Constructive criticism is allowed.
• Applications that are copied from others will be auto-denied.

Please be sure to always follow this format. For those who choose not to follow them will face an immediate lock and decline of their thread.

• Username:
• Age:
• Timezone:
• Position you are applying for:
• Time Played/Date Registered:
• Past Staff Experience:
• Have you ever been banned, muted, jailed, on the server/forums?:
• What would you do if you became a part of the Staff Team?:
• Why should we pick you to become part of the Staff Team?:
• Extra Information (About yourself, etc. Please no personal information like Skype or Facebook):
Community Voting Polls / Let us Know what you want to see in our Next Update!
« Last post by The Savage on January 19, 2017, 02:20:42 am »
Please feel free to suggest new things/items to add in our next update, we would be glad to hear from you on what you would like to see in the next coming update!  :)
AscendRSPS Client / Updated Server 03/15/2019
« Last post by The Savage on December 17, 2016, 07:04:54 am »
For the past few weeks we have been working on our server. Well it has been updated! And here are the new features:



-Tormented Demons
-Evil Chickens
-Steel Kiwi Boss
(Drops havnt been added)
-Ice titans
-Sea Troll Queen

-Safe pvp
-Clan wars (safe/dangerous)
-Death Match Arena
-Wilderness Pking

-Semi low Rate (Non combat)
-All skills avaliable
-Max cape rewarded when maxed

-Donator skilling zone
-Skilling benefits
-Donator Only Items

Other information:
-Lots of commands for each rank
-Shops replace GE due to the GE bug. But Ge is still in game if wanted.
-Home is Mos Le Harmless.
-Few Custom Items
-Prestige system (sorted shops)
-Custom Clothes Changer
-Custom Clothes Colour Changer
-Full Summoning obelisk
-Auto Voting was removed due to the method. (GTL VOTE)
-Custom emote commands
And much more

Remember to stay active and to vote for our server! There will be future updates! Stay tuned in to see when the next updates will be!

In Warm Regards,

AscendScape Team.
Forum Support Center / Can't find download
« Last post by The Savage on November 17, 2016, 04:07:36 pm »
Server is under going maintenance it will be back online in 2 weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience. We are doing heavy coding to the server. But please be patient and always check out the news for updates.
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